Remote Serial Daughter Cards

7I64 Isolated remote I/O card - Obsotete: Replaced with 7IA0

7I64 Isolated remote I/O card - Obsotete: Replaced with 7IA0

The 7I64 is an 24 output, 24 input isolated I/O card.  The 7..


7IA0 Isolated remote I/O card

7IA0 Isolated remote I/O card

The 7IA0 is a 48  input, 24 output isolated I/O card. The 7I..


7I66-8 Isolated remote digital input and power driver card

7I66-8 Isolated remote digital input and power driver card

The 7I66-8 is a 8 output and 16 input remote isolated digital I/O..


7I66-24 Isolated remote power driver card

7I66-24 Isolated remote power driver card

The 7I66-24 is a 24 channel remote isolated digital output card.&..


7I69 remote digital I/O card

7I69 remote digital I/O card

The 7I69 is a remote digital I/O card with 48 digital I/O bits.&n..


7I70 Isolated remote digital input card

7I70 Isolated remote digital input card

The 7I70 is a remote isolated 48 input card.  The 7I70 input..


7I71 Isolated remote power driver card sourcing outputs

7I71 Isolated remote power driver card sourcing outputs

The 7I71 is a remote isolated 48 output card.  The 48 output..


7I72 Isolated remote power driver card sinking outputs

7I72 Isolated remote power driver card sinking outputs

The 7I72 is a remote isolated 48 output card.  The 48 output..


7I73 Pendant/control panel interface

7I73 Pendant/control panel interface

The 7I73 is a remote real time pendant or control panel interface..


7I83 Analog output/ analog servo interface

7I83 Analog output/ analog servo interface

The 7I83 is remote isolated six channel +-10V analog output card ..


7I84 Isolated remote field I/O card - Sourcing outputs

7I84 Isolated remote field I/O card - Sourcing outputs

The 7I84 is a remote isolated 32 input and 16 output digital I/O ..


7I84U Isolated remote field I/O card - Sourcing/Sinking outputs

7I84U Isolated remote field I/O card - Sourcing/Sinking outputs

The 7I84U is a remote isolated 32 input and 16 output digital I/O..


7I87 Remote isolated Analog input card

7I87 Remote isolated Analog input card

The 7I87 is remote isolated eight channel +-10V analog input card..


7I90HD  Parallel/SPI Anything I/O card

7I90HD Parallel/SPI Anything I/O card

The MESA 7I90HD is a very low cost, general purpose, FPGA based p..


Showing 1 to 14 of 14 (1 Pages)